TQS全滿意服務 (TQS Total Quality Service)

我們在台北、台中及高雄均設有業務及維修據點,您除了可透過網路平台及電話聯絡得到相關產品資訊、產品選用諮詢外,我們還有具備多年經驗的專業人員及維修團隊爲客戶提供產品維修、零件查詢訂購等各項最完整的服務內容。We have sales and maintenance bases in Taipei, Taichung andKaohsiung. You can get related product information andadvice on a range of products via the Internet or telephone.We also have an experienced professional personnel andmaintenance team providing customers with full services suchas product maintenance, parts inquiries, purchase orders,etc.

售前服務 (Pre-Sale Service) 

論您是資材採購人員或是系統設計工程師,我們有最專業的服務人員爲您提供產品選用建議,解答您在產品規格選用、產品規格確認以及產品應用上的各種疑難雜症。Whether you are information supplies procurement personnelor system design engineers, we have the most specializedservice personnel providing you with recommendation on achoice of products, and solutions to your doubts over thechoice of product specifications, confirmation of productspecifications, and product plications. 

售中服務 (In-Sale Service)

我們自1996年起因應資訊管理潮流,領先國內同業採用少量多樣訂貨生產式電腦管理系統, 除了將原本的平均交貨時間由70天降低到45天左右,更能透過這套快速反應的管理系統,準確掌握銷售過程中所遭遇到的設計變更問題,使客戶在建廠計畫進度控制以及物流安排上更能符合十倍速競賽時代的需要。

To keep in line with the trend of e-enterprise, we’veadopted a small-valume- multiple-order production typecomputer management systems from 1996, which has reduced theaverage time of delivery from 70 days to about 45 days.Through this set of rapid response management system, we cantake accurate control of all issues concerning design changeduring the sales process, to satisfy our customers’ needs inthis age of speed by taking control of factory constructionschedule and logistic arrangement. 

售後服務 (After-Sale Service)


From 1998, each machine delivered from our factory has itsexclusive file and records. If you can let us know theserial number of our product, we can access the computerdatabank and retrieve related data and maintenance recordsof our products, including parts, work drawings, etc., andquickly respond and provide solution to customers concerningproblems of irregular operation, purchase of spare parts, orsend our maintenance personnel to the factory to makeservice arrangements, and ensure that our productionfacilities can resume normal operation within a minimumperiod.Besides, we can also arrange our professional personnel toconduct educational training to key-account customers,provide them with solutions on the site, and assistance tomaintenance personnel in installation and operationalissues, thereby enhancing customers with professionalknowledge on equipment maintenance.
Customer Center

TEL: 04-2359-4673
FAX: 04-2359-4723
E-mail:[email protected]

昌錦企業股份有限公司      CHONG-KING ENTERPRISES CO.,LTD.      
TEL:04-2359-4673      FAX:04-2359-4723      E-mail:[email protected]
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